but I think Doom 2016 was better (Doom Eternal Review) - English
this video is brought to you by the razor blade 15 laptop I actually use this laptop as part of the review process for this video so stick around to the end of the video to hear how do maternal runs on it spur alert and runs pretty damn well here's a headline adult industry calls for shut down turns out an industry built on exchanging bodily fluids isn't essential business though at least they didn't have the audacity to try to pretend it was so there you have it on top of everything else we can soon expect a global shortage of just great Hey good thing we have doom
all right so if I were earlier in my youtube career looking to cut my teeth with some AG analysis I might have made some long and overwrought think piece on why I think do 2016 is a better game that do maternal because I do think that I do think that 2016 is this absolutely flawless masterpiece of wrought of divine inspiration well I think do maternal actually cast aside some of the key lessons that doom 2016 taught us and is slightly the worse for it but we can't let the perfect be the enemy of the good and even though I didn't enjoy many of the innovations that doom eternal brought to the table this was still unquestionably one of the best first-person-shooter experiences I've ever had when do is firing on all cylinders bright red flames spewing six meters from its exhausts tires wreaths in the smoke of burning rubber the engine roaring so loud you can barely hear yourself think doom atoll stops being a game and becomes a full-scale audio-visual sensory experience like it was purpose-built to exhaust your adrenal glands in one fell swoop minor nitpicking around the edges of this needs to be taken is exactly what it is minor nitpicking doom eternal is the best [ __ ] you can be playing right now and yeah I'm calling you out Tom Nook doom eternal is the sequel to the seminal doom 2016 back then Bethesda had a review policy where they didn't issue early review code and given that the multiplayer test then ran was kind of balls people held grave concerns for whether doom 2016 would suck turns out it was essentially perfect returning to the root of the franchises of balls-to-the-wall action shooter serving up the best most optimized graphic engine we've seen in years within tech six delivering a story and mythos in exactly the way a doom game needed while also having a soundtrack that was so good that it single-handedly revitalized the Christian rock genre do maternal essentially ask the question how do you improve on perfection the answer is you can't the best thing you can do is change around some elements of the formula and hope they don't suck spoiler alert some of them suck to start there's been some work done on the basics of weapon and sound design the pistol is gone replaced with the shotgun as the base weapon as it always should have been weapon models have all had a refresh in particular the rocket launcher which looks like a decent thermal reactor it scored the ballista oh my god I can't explain how awesome this thing looks I want to marry it what you'll notice pretty much right away is that there's been a complete redesign of weapon sounds the shotgun sounds even media which I didn't even think was possible having cannon sounds like a heavy cannon that you can somehow hold in your hands each round sonorous Li thunders offset perfectly by the prattle of bullets moving into the chamber and the clarion ring of the spent casings being ejected and discarded at your armoured feet there's a quote from Luke Smith of Bungie which I'll always remember and it's we can make a weapon feel more powerful just by changing the sound of it and in Doom every single weapon sounds like some gunpowder fueled variant of Monier striking and anvil speaking of Bungie I thought a lot about destiny as I took in dooms new worlds and spaces doom 2016 was essentially two spaces the steeled interiors of the UAC on Mars and then Hell itself it was a straightforward dare I say grounded set of locations that all felt rather cogent like they made sense for what this game was about the story was telling and where things would naturally lead to next doom eternal completely does away with this for both good and ill on the plus side dooms environments look absolutely [ __ ] doom does what destiny does and Star Wars before it it fuses classic fantasy inspired architecture with futuristic sci-fi technology this is best on display with the fortress of solitude which was for some reason called the fortress of doom is kind of a lame name to be honest the fortress is your safe space a refuge from all the noise and the killing that is the doom Slayers 9:00 to 5:00 when doom guy wants to play Animal Crossing he plays it here the fortress is just that a fortress but shattered and suspended in space it speaks to the duality that exists within doom Eternals design its lights its consoles its dashboards and its force fields remind you that doom has always been and will always be sci-fi but the placement of its tech chiseled into stone set in wrought iron adorned by gargoyles it reminds us that Doom is just as much about the eternal battle between the ancient demonic forces of hell and the demigod that opposes them this duality exists across dooms many environments though its extremities arc much wider than what we see in the fortress alone Doom eternals levels are a broad and varied smattering of cityscapes and sky rise towers and converted hell escapes and native hell scapes and factories and space stations and monastic cathedrals there's not a lot that links these spaces together you teleport across limitless space in an instant from your fortress at the start of each mission so it doesn't feel as contiguous as it did back in 2016 it's more variety but it's also more whiplash inducing as you jump between locations like that [ __ ] terrible scene and rise of skywalk I mean first we had the whole dome maneuver and now we have whatever this is it's nothing sacred anymore Stewart Isles environments lack of a through-line that the first game had but they are unquestionably better environments bigger more beautiful less more enlightened more open they more consistently push the player out of there it's much harder to hide and wait things out and do maternal because the level design typically doesn't give you the chance to do that with this change in architectural style comes a pretty significant change in the way the story is told June 2016 was pretty loud and proud about the fact that doom doesn't need cutscenes and [ __ ] to get in the way of killing demons I mean it's kind of one of the major lessons of that game so it's really weird that Eid will like [ __ ] that time for some cutscenes you know our loss despite their transgressions against the government they are still absent so we can't over blow this issue there aren't many of them but there are enough of them that you definitely notice the contrast of 2016 more than anything though really had anything oh it's actually super down for this new approach to storytelling because I thought it would be cool to imagine the Slayer is descendant from an ancient order of knights templar with all of the law and iconography and weapons and all that stuff but it just doesn't quite work like I really don't feel it in my jellies when they're saying all of the stuff if this landed really well I'd be okay with it but given that it just sounds like a lot of verbal MacGuffins that we've heard a thousand times before it cheapens dude it makes it feel like everything else and doom 2016 showed us that there was a way around that stuff that still achieve the same outcome only with more verbal thrift sadly this is a step back to the series albeit a minor one no one else is a step back for the series the platforming [ __ ] bad so again let's not blow this out of proportion does it ruin doom eternal no it doesn't not even close but again it just doesn't add anything you climb up walls awkwardly you use monkey bars to propel yourself you - twice in the air - across great distances it's fine but it's never fun it's just there to provide pacing combat is so suffocatingly awesome all the time that we need moments to breathe and it clearly thought that utilizing the space between the various combat arenas would be the best means of slowing things down they were right of course there should be downtime and traversal challenges make a lot of sense it's just that the style of traversal is so incongruent with the rest of the game see doom eternal isn't this dance of violence it's not a ballet or a waltz or a salsa or at work it's soap disarray it's dizzyingly fast and vertigo-inducing the aerial the player utilizes all of these advanced movement techniques during combat to create fireworks in the sky but when it comes time to do the platforming these tools just aren't used intelligently it feels so slow and static and plodding and buggy I look at titanfall 2's campaign which so often took the advanced move of mechanics of that game and used them to terrific effect in environmental puzzles I mean the meathook on the shotgun is basically the cost most fun thing I have used since the portal gun in half-life 2 and yet no traversal challenges make use of it there could have been an entirely different approach to all this platforming which retains the focus on speed and fluidity slowly crawling up walls is not what I pictured the doom Slayer to be doing in 2020 environments storytelling platforming each of these things are different from 2016 but their impact is fairly limited what's changed considerably is combat and it's changed in ways that some people are gonna love and some people are gonna hate and I kind of sit somewhere in-between so the first thing you'll notice when you stop playing Doom eternal is that you are constantly out of ammo and you need to keep switching weapons at first I was like what this is what have they done here this isn't fun etc etc I know a lot of people went through this art when I started playing this game because it's such a massive change in 2016 that you sort of fight against it at first you're like if I want to use my shotgun all the time well I'll dam will use my shotgun all the time [ __ ] you it'd eventually though you realize two things one it just doesn't work and you better learn to adapt and to the chainsaw is a thing that exists in doom 2016 the chainsaw was sort of a last resort option to kill enemies for a guaranteed Shou of health and ammo you sort of kept fuelling it for reserve and only busted it out when it's needed and that fuel didn't refuel over time you actually got most of your sustain just from glory killing regular enemies who would offer up the necessary health armor and ammo to keep things moving in Doom eternal glory killing enemies doesn't make you that much and you can't just melee trash mobs for free glory kills instead you need to use your chainsaw way more regularly it has one charge that constantly refills every minute or so ammo caps are also extremely low on average less than half of what they were in 2016 so the intended flow of combat is to constantly exhaust all of your ammo pools by constantly switching weapons around and then refilled your ammo once every minute for the chainsaw so why is this good it's good because you can't ride one or two weapons all the time like you probably did in 2016 it was so easy to get ammo back in that game that I could get away with using the super shotgun up close and the Gores cannon or rocket launcher from afar as pretty much said in doom eternal it says no you won't do that we made all these weapons so you are gonna use them the player must use the right weapon against the right enemy otherwise you're just not efficient enough to make it through to the next chance to refill your ammo you're constantly switching weapons back and forward in a far more cerebral intellectually demanding combat model the game is also way harder because of this puzzle solving element but here's the thing right a lot of people don't play doom for a cerebral experience they play it to shoot demons in the face with whatever weapon they damn well please and these people don't like you telling them how to play their game personally I'm kind of in-between on this one I think if the objective was to make a harder game a more demanding game then yeah they totally nailed it this game is definitely way harder than do 2016 I died so much more because I wasn't thinking enough I was just pulling the trigger we associate doom with mindless shooting but I guarantee you there will be YouTube videos in the future dissecting the on-the-fly puzzle solving that is this game's combat model and ammo economy it's really really well done but I do think it's slightly over tuned and it does force me into some negative patterns sometimes I might need my shotgun for more than 22 shells worth of enemies but I can't use it because it's out of ammo so I have to use something less effective or less fun perfect example are these enemies which required a plasma rifle to be efficient against without those taking them down is a lot harder and generally less fun the tuning of the ammo caps is what pushes this system into uncomfortable territory and I think that there's some space to tweak those numbers that still delivers on its vision without the player feeling like they're constantly ammo dry and desperately reaching to things that they don't consider optimal or fun the other big change is to the movement tools available to you and holy hell this is absolutely glorious doom eternal keeps the double job of 2016 but adds a double dash allowing you to move in all directions quickly including lost in the air you can combo this with new monkey bars which are a bit slow and clunky but they make with some really nice outplay potential in the arenas if you use them smartly the real game changer though is the meat hook on the super shotgun and oh my [ __ ] god this thing is just I don't have words how much I love it switching to the shotgun to pull yourself halfway across the map to glory killed an enemy or launch yourself into the air to slingshot past them to completely reposition yourself in an instant oh my god every single one of the best most awesome most satisfying moments I had to do maternal I had with the meat oh it is so you know I went back and played some doom 2016 after completing eternal and I really liked how much freedom it gave me to just use the weapons that I wanted to use but I really missed doom Eternals advanced movement mechanics it was hard to go back now in absence of those so whatever this franchise does next I hope that these things stay intact you know what I hope doesn't stay intact these [ __ ] guys so just as much as I can't put into words how much I love the meathook I also can't put into words just how much I hate Marauders they are the only objectively terrible thing in the entire dream franchise at this point if I ever had the chance to interview Marti and Hugo again the first question I would ask is what the hell we is thinking with these Marauders okay so let me explain Marauders are an enemy that you meet about halfway through the game and they pop out after that at random intervals most enemies in this game have one or two features baked into their kids like the Iraq neutrons which can shoot you from afar with a tired or they can melee you up close and that's about it the Marauders have a shotgun that they use if you get too close they have a ranged attack that they use if you get too far away they have a melee swing that they can bust out whenever the [ __ ] they like they have a massive gap closer they run faster than a train they sum a flaming dog that chases you if you don't engage them enough oh and they are essentially invertible to most attacks because they can bring up this shield in a split second that will block hitscan attacks you're meant to wait for this tiny opening when their eyes turn green and they're open to attack and you can really only trigger that if you're standing at a precise distance from them oh and they're actually the one enemy in the game that the bfg does nothing against so yeah that's a lot in that kid that's but that's a lot of stuff there are long reasons for this they're meant to be really powerful so I'm fine with that idea there's a lot of people in the comments that look oh just get good as shoot look to their feelings no it's all about them being hard this is a hard game I love that it's hard I love getting my ass handed to me repeatedly in Doom the problem isn't that Marauders are hard the problem is they're bad they're completely antithetical to the core design philosophy that underpin dooms entire combat design it had famously like in Doom 2016 combat to chess where every piece on the board has a specific move set and they combine these pieces in interesting ways with this model the player could eventually come to instinctively feel combat and move through it with a kind of graceful carnage the Marauders completely arrest this flow they demand your attention in a way that no other enemy does the chess game is essentially put on hold until you deal with this [ __ ] more likely though you do what I did would you just run around ignoring them until everything else is dead and then just one v1 then while you slowly whittle down their health it's so boring and separate from their design intent they just aren't well implemented like they just feel so janky the ideal distance that you're meant to be from them just feels so inconsistent no other enemy in this game feels remotely Genki but the Marauders just feel like the contextual moveset is not consistent or reliable they're not hard okay they're a little bit hard it's not that they're hard they're boring you could delete these enemies from the game and doom eternal immediately become a better video game that's all I'll say on the matter there are other small issues that creep into upset this experience as well the UI feels like a big step back versus the clean and mechanical UI at the previous game and the constant tooltips BAM should have died with rage too when everybody said they hated it then not brought forward here to do maternal I particularly hated it when they explained the mechanics behind every new enemy or boss and how to overcome them like just let me figure that [ __ ] out for myself I don't understand what's needed on the music I really can't tell yet what I think about it the first time playing through this game is like the first time listening to the new tool album like are you gonna tell me you knew what you thought about Fear inoculum the first time you heard it no you didn't with doom 2016 it was a debut album the soundscape was immediately fresh and overwhelming and incredible you could fall in love with that immediately because you never heard anything like it here in gym eternal we've heard it before so it comes down to the individual merits of the tracks I will say it doesn't sound like a step back in the slightest and so far I've enjoyed every bar I played macgowran continues to be a national treasure that's right he's Australian he's ours ok we love him anyway that's doom eternal it's it's pretty amazing it's pretty incredible I absolutely love this game I recommend it to you very very very strongly but yeah I have some problems with it and some of those are fairly big problems I think doom eternal struggles under the weight of the innovation imperative and I'm not sure that it needed to burden itself with that to the degree that did boat lands 3 was pretty much just better Borderlands 2 and people love that myself included neo 2 has been praised for essentially being a bed version of neo one I mean even the outer worlds was much praised for just being Fallout New Vegas but in space it's tough thing to balance because artists naturally want to id8 to improve when you have something as perfect as 2016 was the question of how to improve opponent is a daunting one and it likely pushed into pull levers and turn dials that would have been left well enough alone still I value their commitment to pushing the envelope and not getting complacent with doom eternal it continues to cement themselves as one of the greatest Studios in the history of the medium and like the Slayer himself they're showing no signs of slowing down anytime soon hello you're probably wondering why I'm here as opposed to my house ah the thing is I don't have my office anymore at my home it's all packed away because of a moving house so it's all in storage which means I work during the day here and then I go home at night and do a little bit of work on a laptop that was a bit rougher before than it is now because just this week razer sent me the razor blade a 15 laptop which is it's a pretty damn good laptop i actually reviewed a third of doom eternal playing on this laptop the footage that you're seeing on screen now was all captured on the razor blade 15 i got a very very solid like 120 frames per second while playing this thing on ultra settings mind you and the funny story is that here in this office i actually only have a 75 Hertz monitor that i'm playing with so it's actually better for me to play doom eternal on ultra settings on my laptop than it is for me to play it on my desktop pc right now which is ridiculous but that's a true story so that's that in terms of the specs you're looking at a 15.6 inch display with four point nine millimeter thin bezels perfect for gamers and creators they say but it just makes it like a very skinny boy it has a 240 hertz refresh rate and 4k LED resolution screen and I thought that the 240 Hertz would be overkill until I saw how doing ran on this thing and I was like well if you can do that with doom imagine what you could do with like a you know less demanding game it has a 9th Gen Intel Core i7 6 core processor it hasn't NVIDIA GeForce r-tx 2070 with max Q design in this so you can actually do rate racing I plan to play half-life Alex on this I should you not that is what I'll be reviewing the upcoming VR title half-life Alex I'll be doing it on this course why not I can just do that anywhere I like just plug it in in my laundry if I wanted to and just play it through this that's what you can do but look it's like seriously amazing piece of tech I am really blown away by it I've been using it all week and it's fantastic it's incredible well beyond my expectations the Razer Blade 15 check out the link in the description thank you very much razer for sending me this at exactly the right time you've literally saved my life not literally that's not the right word but you've really helped me out and I appreciate you and thank you very much for watching the video everyone and ow I got my finger caught then I'll see you next time bye bye
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